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Serious entertainment lab
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
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Improvement of cognitive characteristics of adolescent autism by a Virtual-Reality-Training Package
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Child-based speech therapy game development
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Using virtual reality to enhance children's memory
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A Physical-Cognitive Video Game using Kinect
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Physical Video Game to Improve Muscle Weakness
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Controlling a Video Game by Eye Movement
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A Physical Video Game for Cervical Osteoarthritis Treatment
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A Non-touch Controlled Video Game for Trigger Finger Disorder Rehabilitation
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Virtual Reality in Visual Stimulation and Its Effect on the Brain Mirror System
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Wireless Controller for FPS Video Games
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Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) using a Physical Video Game
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Glossophobia (Speech Anxiety) Treatment by Virtual Reality with Real Images
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Virtual Reality Based Implementation of the CPT Test as an Intervention
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An Exergame for Balance Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
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An Exergame to Train the Forehand Drive in Tennis on Table using Kinect
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Osteoarthritis Treatment using a Physical Video Game and Leap Motion Sensor
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Treatment of Muscular Atrophy using a Video Game
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Improvement of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) using a Game based on Neurofeedback
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Improving Eye-hand Coordination in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
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Pain Control in Burn Patients using a Virtual Reality Video Game
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Neophobia (Fear of New Environments) Treatment in Children with Autism via Virtual Reality with Real Images
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Foreign Language Training using Virtual Reality with Real Images
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Improvement of Attention Deficit using Virtual Reality with Real Images
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Vehophobia (Fear of Driving) Treatment using Virtual Reality with Real Images
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Aviophobia (Fear of Flight) Treatment by Virtual Reality with Real Images
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A 360 Panoramic Documentary of Isfahan Takhte Foolad Complex
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A Virtual Reality Game to Improve Dyslexia
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Dyslexia Treatment with Augmented Reality
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Designing an Exergame for Training and Evaluation of Taekwondo Exercises
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Behshad Therapeutic Gaming Belt
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A Software Package for Diagnosis/Treatment of Children with ADHD
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Right-hand Rehabilitation using a Video Game based on Motor imagery
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