Child-based speech therapy game development

Child-based speech therapy game development

Speech disorders act as a barrier to a child's perceptions of the environment and causes incomprehensible reception of the environment, improper interpretation of information, and finally slow reaction to the environment. Since children with speech disorders cannot communicate properly with the external environment and specifically with their peers, they become antisocial gradually. Speech therapy is an approach to improve a child’s speech. It helps the child to improve his/her issues including phonological and sound disorders, poor expression, stuttering, etc.
Nowadays, educational/therapeutic software is becoming a hot topic due to technological advancements. A computer video game with sound has been used in this study that engages the child by repeating the words which effectively help the progress of their treatment. The child arranges the blocks in a parking lot by calling out the words with saying directions for the movement. Thus, the police car can go straight ahead of the parking lot at the given time. Therefore, the child gradually improves her speech disorders by saying words while trying to win and finish the game.

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