After spending a year on initial research, Aratecs was officially established at the University of Isfahan Center of Video Game in 2016, as an exergame startup.
With a typical video game, the player remains inactive for a long time. Exergames are designed to address this problem. They’re also more attractive and exciting. Developing Exergames requires brilliant ideas and adequate hardware.
Aratecs aims to design a Taekwondo Exergame to motivate players to be active. The game analyzes Teakwood’s kicks and develop an electronic coaching system for athletes and coaches.
The game consists of two main components. One is the hardware, including a training manikin and special covers containing power sensors, LED lamps, and vibrators interconnected by software and a large display. The other is the game’s design: a graphic game environment.
LED lamps show where and how the kicks land and how the athlete attacks or defends himself. The game uses a manikin to show how the athlete’s kick affect a virtual opponent. The game's strength lies in its customized hardware. The system can detect and improve the athlete’s techniques while its outcomes are completely scientific and reliable. It also uses accurate statistical analyses to estimate the exact time the athlete feels tired.
The system uses electromagnetic principles to detect the kicks. The magnets are placed in athlete's gloves and socks. Only the kicks that land through these magnets count toward the player’s score, and their strength is shown in the display. Force sensors, orange LEDs, and distance sensors also detect the athlete's guard. Force sensors estimate when the athlete takes action and defend himself. Distance sensors are placed on the manikin and the rods next to it and show whether the athlete could dodge the opponent's blows.
The software analyzes the athlete’s performance on each exercise and presents charts and graphs. The data reveals the athlete’s progress, quantitatively and scientifically.
The system detects exactly where the kicks are thrown, measures the kick’s force, calculates the athlete’s action-reaction time, and identifies foul kicks. It also stimulates a real fight.
After a year, Aratecs completed Phase I of the project and took out a patent for their novel hardware. Now, the team is trying to improve on Phase I, and they’ll soon start Phase II to design and develop a video game.
 • Seyed Mehran Amiri: Mechanical system engineer, sports engineer with expertise in physical education, technical founder. MSc in biomedical engineering, sports engineering from the University of Isfahan. BSs in mechanical engineering from the Isfahan University of Technology.
• Hadi Abbasi: Electrical system engineer, software designer. BSc in medical engineering, bioelectronics from the University of Isfahan; inventor of Taekwondo Electronic Coaching System.

Aratecs is ready to cooperate with other teams and game developers with expertise in technical-engineering and motion games. To accomplish the upcoming Phase II, the team welcomes qualified game developers in the field.

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